Windows help & Support
Make the everyday easier with Windows 11
When there's a lot to do, Windows 11 helps you get it done.
Start using mobile apps on Windows 11
The Amazon Appstore and mobile apps are now available for you to preview. Learn how to set it up on your Windows 11 PC.
Explore Windows
Prepare for Windows 11
Find answers to top questions about the Windows 11 upgrade.
Stay current
Find out how to use Windows Update to keep your PC up to date, on your terms.
Improve performance
We have some suggestions to help make your Windows 10 PC run better.
Be safe
Windows Security provides the latest antivirus protection for your PC, and we’ll show you how to use it.
Windows 8.1 end of support
Thank you for your loyalty. We want to help you prepare and recommend you move to a Windows 11 PC to stay supported and secure.
Get the best display on your monitor
Windows looks at your monitor and determines the best display settings.
Find PC settings
Install devices, personalize your PC, and choose how Windows is configured in Settings.
Make your PC easier to use
Change accessibility settings to make your PC look, sound, and react the way you prefer.
Trending topics
Installation & activation
Windows Update
If you're a small business owner
Find the information you need to build, run, and grow your small business with Microsoft 365.